As you you all now know I'm a big Hero 6 fan, So I feel like I have to address my feelings on a huge change to the series.
The summary: Big hero 6 is a 2017 Disney TV series base on a 2014 movie of the same title, Which I found out last year it base on a comic of the same name by mann of action. And the show has 3 seasons with the third one debuting recently.
The change: For long term fans It been noticeable that the format has change from a half an hour to a quarter of and hour. And while I have hadn't read any articles on this yet, I find the change odd, While I don't have downts that Disney has done this before It still weird that they out of now where turn a 22 minute show in a 15 minute show especially since the first episode was 22 minutes, and after the First 15minute episode I think THINK they are trying to do a more comedic route for the series I honestly don't mind but that has to the realization that maybe there will be no serialized villain or a season long plot. I am not sure what they have plan for the series but this kind of seems they had no plans for the series after the second season, And they're allowing people to do what they want was the show again I'm not sure nor have a read any articles, its just my first Impression and I feel for now that the show will take comedic, episodic and reckoning approach to season 3 I will post again If i change my mind. Thank you for reading.